Monday, October 31, 2011

Reformation Day Saved Me From This Guy

If by chance, you are unfamiliar with Reformation Day, I want to encourage you to look it up and find out specifically what it is.  This site is probably a good place to start.

Truth be told, Reformation Day is a day to celebrate freedom.  The freedom from a particular religious organization or leader.  More importantly it was and is a proclamation of the free justification we have in the eyes of God.  Not a work-out-your-sin by doing great works, having great faith, giving more money, but purely by Christ doing great works for us.

Reformation Day stands for five freedoms.
  • The freedom to open the Word of God and read it for ourselves. To know that we don't have to have someone interrupt into our language for us to understand it.  We can read the words of God and know them. We can know God through His word.  Scripture alone is our authority. We don't look to ours or anyone's experience.  Just the Word.
  • The freedom to trust in Christ alone. To have Him be our ultimate Shepherd.  No man can rule us above or beside Christ, for He alone is our authority.  Paul writes in his second letter to the Corinthians, "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God." (2 Cor. 3:5)
  • As I stated above, I/we have been saved by the grace of God alone. There is no work for me to do to save myself.  If, essence, am dead at the bottom of the ocean before know Christ, how am I to revive myself if I am truly dead? Surely, it is the grace of Christ alone to breathe life into us first - reviving us.  Bring us to faith.
  • Yes, faith alone. This faith is imputed to us because of the work of Christ. We are free to believe because of the power of God working in us. B. B. Warfield stated "It is not faith that saves, but faith in Jesus Christ.... It is not, strictly speaking, even faith in Christ that saves, but Christ that saves through faith. The saving power resides exclusively, not in the act of faith or the attitude of faith or in the nature of faith, but in the object of faith."
  • So where does all of this bring us? To lay down our lives in worship.  Our only right response to declare that God alone be the glory. The psalmist write "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth." Ps. 19:1-4
Reformation Day is a day freedom from ourselves. 

Enjoy it.
You are free.

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