Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day In... Day Out...

Many of you know this already, but if you didn't, I am a runner.
I enjoy waking up in the early morning hours and leaving for a long run.  I have convinced myself that the morning is best, and it must be for me.  Others I meet, enjoy running in the afternoon or evening.  Not me - I am a morning runner.
Even better in the cold.

Over the years though, I have to say that there are times were my running times are better than others.  I mean, that after a short or a long run, I'll come back to the house and I may feel great.  Other times, not so much.

That is what has frustrated me.  I am sure that there is some sort of scientific explanation to this.  Why are there good runs and bad runs?  I am sure it probably has a lot to do with what I ate the day before, how I slept that night and a million other factors.

Either way, I run.

The other day I was thinking about my quiet time with God.  In true confession, I have to admit that there are times where I open the Word of God and feel like God is speaking directly to me. Almost as if His voice is audible.  On the other hand, there are times where I feel nothing.

Do you ever experience the same thing?  Sometimes the moments with God seem to be a conversation with the ceiling or the table... Empty or vacant.

I have often found that in days like that, there is a temptation to quit.  To leave the pattern of devotions because it's not working.
I mean, if God wanted me to get something out of this, then wouldn't He just show up or something?
Do I really need to be in the Word everyday?
God obviously doesn't need me.
I have a really busy day scheduled. I don't think I have much time left.
The downward spiral begins...

In running, the moment that I start making excuses not to run is the same moment that I start to lose my focus.  All my training goes out the window... The spiral begins. So I run, not to always find those good runs, but because I know it's what I should do.  What's what is good for me.

Same with a quiet time.  Our goal in them is not to continually look for those spiritual highs, but to just spend time with God.  For in our attempts for the spiritual high, we may end up losing who God is.  For He meets us, not just in those good days, but also in those bad days.

Solomon in the book of Proverbs wrote, "Those who seek me (God) diligently find me." Jesus said as recorded in the book of Matthew, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness."
 Day in and day out.  It will do your heart good.

Psalm 8-11 
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,
which must be curbed with bit and bridle,
or it will not stay near you.
Many are the sorrows of the wicked,
but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous,
and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Music I'm Listening To

It's been a while since I posted about some the new albums I've been digging into lately, so I thought that it would be good.

We know he’s talented. He’s produced over a hundred records. He’s played in multiple bands. He’s put out half a dozen solo albums. We all know Aaron Sprinkle is talented. But do you really know Aaron Sprinkle?

If you’ve listened to his latest record, you do.

Over the course of twenty years, Sprinkle’s life has been dedicated to creating and producing music. Outside of his own musical endeavors (playing in bands Poor Old Lu, Fair, and Rose Blossom Punch, and making his solo material), Sprinkle has engineered and molded records for countless talented musicians, building for himself the much-deserved reputation as an outstanding producer.
It’s through his exposure in the studio that he’s been able to cultivate his own style as an artist. “I’ve had the opportunity to work with amazing people that inspire me,” he explains, “They push me to grow and explore and hone things that I wouldn’t have had on my radar before… like this record. You would have never heard anything like my new music on any other record I’ve done.”

It’s true.

Water & Guns, Sprinkle’s fifth solo album, is unlike anything he’s done before. Yes,
exposure to varying musical styles expresses itself tangibly in each track, but there’s something new in the mix – his electronic roots. Reaching back to his musical beginnings, Sprinkle douses his new material in colorful synth, programmed percussion, and keys that sprout and flourish, making this his most vibrant record to date. It’s a pop album – its catchy melodies, synth, and acoustic guitar color the entirety of the record – but for Sprinkle, it’s more than that.

“I started making a record that I thought people would want me to make, and ended up making a record that I just really enjoyed,” he confesses, explaining, “I wanted to portray who I am now. I wanted this album to reflect me.” Musically it’s an epic, pop album. Lyrically, it’s a journal. The record’s upbeat sound juxtaposes its heavy message in a flawless marriage of playful purposefulness.

With songs that deal with topics from grace and blessings to sin and death, Sprinkle furthers, “this record took so long because I changed my mind in the middle of it – I thought no, this is isn’t what I want to do. I want to write about real things I’m dealing with.”

A perfect example is the track “Alright”, a song that could easily act as the album’s anthem. The lyrics, “When your life rips at the seams / When it seems like the worst is really happening / When you can’t see the light / It’ll be alright” encourage perseverance through trial. The electronic, danceable track breathes joy in sound and hope in content.

Similarly is the springy track “River of Lead”, an optimistic sounding song that couples lively keys and an upbeat, sing-able chorus with a weighty lyrical topic. Singing about being consumed, Sprinkle delicately addresses human nature’s attraction to destructive behavior. The lyrics, “Down this river of lead I roll / Feel it pull me underneath / If the fire don’t kill me the water will / Feel it pull me underneath / Lay me down to sleep / I pray there’s something left to keep” transparently speaks to all-consuming struggles and the desperation for relief.

“Whisper Something”, “Heatstroke”, and “I’ve Missed You” offer the same mixture; profound lyrics that cover themes of reconciliation, death, and longing are woven within strong, accessible beats and addictive melodies. Sprinkle curated an album that speaks to both contemporary, pop-enthused music lovers and those thirsty for poetic lyrics that resonate.

“I want to relate to people,” says Sprinkle, “I wanted to be honest, both musically and lyrically. I’ve realized that every time I’ve been brutally honest in an intimate setting, I’ve never been greeted poorly. This is what I like, this is how I feel, this is who I am.”

This is Aaron Sprinkle. Enjoy.  

Beautiful Eulogy is a Portland, Oregon-based group made up of artists Braille, Odd Thomas
and Courtland Urbano. The group introduces a distinct and directive sound that’s driven by a desire to worship and glorify the God of the Bible, based in the context of its members’ hip-hop roots and shaped by influences like electronic music, folk songs and old hymns.

The natural way Beautiful Eulogy came together parallels its organic creative process. As its members cooperated on various musical and church-related projects, they realized their chemistry and the opportunity before them to form a completely collaborative group that would emphasize a new gestalt — one that would allow them to steer away from a pure hip-hop trajectory while holding onto its origins, and that would free them from the courses of their solo careers while applying their individual talents to a collective. 

“We’re reinventing ourselves together,” the group says. Its members enjoy their creative
freedom within self-imposed boundaries, by predefining their work’s message, sound and purpose. This type of intentionality is central to the way Beautiful Eulogy creates songs, settling on concepts and driving them through a process and reprocess of musical and lyrical shaping.

The resulting tracks are lyric-driven, but contain an equally deliberate musical backdrop. This panorama enhances and clarifies the presentation of weighty spiritual and theological truths, inviting listeners into the artists’ ideas about and experiences of God. Listeners may have first heard Beautiful Eulogy on Rapzilla’s King Kulture compilation, or featured on “Misconceptions,” a track from Lecrae’s Church Clothes mixtape. Beautiful Eulogy’s debut album, Satellite Kite, serves as a foundational prototype of the group’s approach and ambition.

Their new album, Instruments of Mercy is available now.

Having joined the Christian group, FFH, in 1999 and contributed to seven No. 1 radio
singles, seven GMA Dove Award nominations, and records that have sold into the millions, Michael Boggs is no stranger to the music scene. When FFH took some time off the road in the fall of 2006, Michael stepped into the role of worship leader at a fast growing young adult gathering, Kairos, in Brentwood, TN hosting nearly 1200 college students and young adults every week, and has served as a regular guest worship leader at various churches, including Max Lucado’s church, Oak Hills, in San Antonio, Texas.

Although Michael continues to keep a rigorous, solo-touring schedule performing and leading worship over 100 dates a year, he has established himself within the music community as one of the foremost sought after songwriters. Lending his songwriting ability to other artists, such as FFH, Diamond Rio, Big Daddy Weave, Anthony Evans, Josh Bates, Jason Crabb, Selah, Matt Maher and more have garnered him multiple Top 10 singles as well as a featured song in the major motion picture release “Facing the Giants.”

In April 2010, Michael took home the Dove award for Country Recorded Song of the Year for “Somebody Like Me,” at the Gospel Music Association Dove Awards where he was also nominated for Songwriter of the Year and Song of the Year. The same year, “Somebody Like Me” served as the featured single from Jason Crabb’s self-titled Grammy award-winning album.

In the Fall of 2010, Michael’s song, “Said and Done,” was featured on the Max Lucado: Out
Live Your Life CD, and carried the banner for Lucado to AC/ CHR/ Soft AC radio. “I’m proud to have this single carrying the message of Out Live Your Life to listeners,” says New York Times best-selling author, Max Lucado. Following the Out Live Your Life release, Michael Boggs debuted his first solo record, More Than Moved, on October 19, 2010 through in:ciite and Word Entertainment.

In February 2011, Diamond Rio’s album, The Reason, received a first-time Grammy, spotlighting “Reaching For Me” as one of the album’s featured singles. Matt Maher’s latest radio single, “Turn Around,” which Michael penned with the artist, topped the charts and remained in the Top 10 for over 16 weeks and earned him a 2012 ASCAP Award. In 2012, Michael was also honored as CCM’s Songwriter of the Year.

When asked where this journey is taking him now, he laughs and says, “Those plans have never been up to me. I’ll just continue to follow Jesus.” His new EP is titled More Like a Lion.

How about you? What's new on your playlist?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Your Best Life Now

Well, he said it.
He put it out there for the world to hear it.
 The Strange Fire conference is going on right now that includes Dr. MacArthur, RC Sproul, Joni Eareckson Tada and others. This conference is based off of a new book from MacArthur under the same name. You can find it by clicking here

A while back I interview Dr. MacArthur about his new book.
Listen to it here:

Read it by clicking here.

So what are your thoughts after reading the quote above?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Honey, There Are Weeds in the Back Yard

When we moved into our new home, we found it to be real easy.  We were the first owners after all. The windows were clean. The drawers had no crumbs. The dishwasher was spotless. The front yard was lush.

If anyone drove up to see us, they wouldn't have to think very hard to see that we had it all together. The house looked good. We looked good. We smelled good. It was good.

Except there was a problem. We never opened the blinds on the back of the house. Why? you may ask?  

The builders had given us great sod for the front and side yards, but left the back yard up to us.  Do you know how hard it is to transform a plot of clay into lush, thick, green grass? Let's just say that it's easier to teach a fish how to ride a bicycle.

Lately that memory has had me thinking. In what ways have I made myself look good? In what ways have I attempted to cover up my sin on my own? Am I pretending to be ok in the eyes of God without coming to Him in confession? In other words, am I trying to ignore the weeds in the back yard of my heart? 

Hosea 5:15 says, "I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me."

My thought this morning is that I need to continually be on my knees - confessing my sins. In doing so, I will be truly free. Remember what the prophet Zechariah said about Jesus? Luke 1:77, He will "give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins."

How is your lawn doing?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Blind Date

We all know what a blind date is. Perhaps you were on one once. I have never been.

In fact, I wasn't much of a dating person to begin with. I always tell people that my wife, Mary, was the second person I ever dated. Once I met her, I knew almost instantly that she was going to be my wife. I realize that not everyone is that "lucky." But I digress.

Blind dates.

I am not sure what brought this to mind, I think I was watching some show on TV that had an example of a blind date and it made me think of the process to which people set themselves up for.

You know how it works. A friend recommends to a friend that that friend should get to know another friend of theirs. Sooner or later, the two meet - in a blind fashion. In other words, the two don't really know much about each other. 

In the "old days" before social media and the web, friends would just have to trust their friends to point them in the right direction. "Trust me. This person is perfect for you." Now, folks can "stalk" someone on social channels to at least get a picture.

This is where it gets a little weird. For friends don't know friends really that well. Or, none of us really know each other deep enough.

Which got me thinking. There was a courtship that happened a few years ago.  You remember that Jesus, in all of His holiness, looked upon us, in all of our sin* and said, "Yes, she is the one for me."

And the wild thing about this is the fact that it wasn't a blind date. He came to us knowing everything about us. Everything. EVERYTHING! He in fact knows us better than we know ourselves.

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

I praise God for the beautiful promises of Romans 5! 

*I need to point out that I summed up everything that is wrong with us in a little word. Sin. That word carries so much to it. Click on this link to find a list of sins - over 600 in length.